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[wtp-releng] Issues with branches and tags in the EJB Tools git repo



I am currently verifying the migrated EJB Tools git repo. Initially I found that some branches and tags are missing. I requested the Webmaster to do another migration using cvs2git tool and now things look better. However, there is still one issue that I do not know how to proceed with.


When switching from master to another branch or tag some of the plugins (primarily docs and tests) are not there. For example, when switching to the R3_3_maintenance branch makes the docs, tests and annotations plugins to disappear.


I dig into the CVS repo and found out that we did not have consistent practice in branching and tagging in the CVS repo of EJB Tools in the past - we branched or tagged only the changed plugins and often missed to do this for those which did not change like docs, tests and xdoclet plugins. Branching and tagging in CVS is on file granularity, while in Git it can be done only for the complete repository. I think this bugs the migration tool.


I am not sure how to proceed. I doubt another run of the migration tool would help.

Another option is to leave it like this and fix the branches, whenever we make a change in them.

Any other ideas?



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