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[wtp-releng] Duplicated plugins

Title: Duplicated plugins


When I install WTP 2.0 RC3 and all its dependencies, I notice that there are some plugins that are duplicated, but with different timestamp in the version.

Here is the list of duplicated plugins and the features that includes them:

javax.wsdl_1.4.0.v200706111329.jar      org.eclipse.wst.ws_core.feature
javax.wsdl_1.4.0.v200705290610.jar      org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.feature

org.apache.xml.resolver_1.1.0.v200705310020.jar org.eclipse.wst.xml_core.feature
org.apache.xml.resolver_1.1.0.v200702082200.jar org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.feature

org.apache.commons.logging_1.0.4.v200706111724.jar  org.eclipse.wst.ws_core.feature
org.apache.commons.logging_1.0.4.v200705231731.jar  org.eclipse.platform, org.eclipse.equinox

org.apache.commons.el_1.0.0.v200706111724.jar   org.eclipse.jst.web_core.feature
org.apache.commons.el_1.0.0.v200705231731.jar   org.eclipse.platform, org.eclipse.equinox

javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200706111738.jar   org.eclipse.jst.web_core.feature
javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200705291052.jar   org.eclipse.platform, org.eclipse.equinox

javax.servlet.jsp_2.0.0.v200706111738.jar       org.eclipse.jst.web_core.feature
javax.servlet.jsp_2.0.0.v200705231728.jar       org.eclipse.platform, org.eclipse.equinox

I know that all of the above plugins are available in the Orbit project. And the idea of Orbit is that third party plugins should be included only once in an Eclipse product. But, I do not understand why this duplication happens. Should I open a bug and if yes, which project/component should I target?

We have a particular problem with this duplication (and this is why we have noticed it). Our build infrastructure assumes that there is exactly one plugin with one and the same name (excluding the version string). We have to do some manual modifications in feature.xml files to workaround these duplications and introduce WTP 2.0 in our builds.

Kaloyan Raev
Senior Developer
SAP Labs Bulgaria
T +359/2/9157-416

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