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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] Re: 0.5M8 release

Bjorn Freeman-Benson wrote:
Dave, et al,
We, the EMO, strongly request that you not use the word "release" when discussing milestones. Like the Apache Foundation, we are trying to reserve the word "release" for those distributions that are officially IP reviewed and approved for release by the community through the release review process. As milestones are not officially reviewed, they are not "releases". It would be best to use "build" or "milestone" or some word that is more evocative of the not-yet-completed/not-yet-official nature of the distribution.
No problem, Bjorn. I've already been corrected on this a couple of times. Just a bad habit from how the term is used outside of eclipse. I'll try and remember it's use within eclipse going forward.


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