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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] Adding Embedded Content/Regions to XML Editor

> Is there a document that shows how the HTML editor is constructed, and
> particularly how the Structured Text editor knows to import other
> parsing for the various partitioners.

No, no document ... that I recall ... but, to be clear, there's no "importing of parsers for various partitioners". There's always only one "master partitioner", and I think anything it does with "sub types" is pretty much built into it, or, there may be a few cases of some plugablity via extension points. It sounds like overkill, but another example it the JSP editor and it's handling of EL partition types.

But ... it's been too long for me to know where to direct you to next ... maybe Nitin would have some ideas and chime in during the week.
Hmmmm....okay....I did see in the HTML editor where it is using Blockmarkers to set a special marker for the Script and Style tags when it encounters them. I did see where the HTML editor reuses the CSSLineStyleProviders in the SourceViewerConfiguration. I'll keep looking, but it seems that it might be nice to be able to specify to the SSE editor the ability to know how to handle add partitions and special regions through an extension point instead of having to hard code that into a particular editor. The reason I bring this up, is that as I look forward, to the XQuery support, that is almost like adding a mixture of PHP and XML together, two entirely different languages, that combined together make a very powerful language. Anyways, I'll continue looking and as things calmn down a bit after 3.0M6 is out the door, I'll try and pick Nitin's brain on this.


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