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[wtp-incubator-dev] Nominating Cameron Bateman as committer on the JSF Facelets Tools incubator project..



I am pleased to nominate Cameron Bateman as a committer on the JSF Facelets Tools incubator project,


Cameron is a committer on the JSF Tools Project where he has made extensive contributions. He is the author of the syntactic and semantic validation support for EL in the tool, numerous features in the Web Page Editor and others. See .


In the current release, Cameron is responsible for architecting the support for an alternate view description language in the tool. See, . He will also be leading the support for Facelts in the incubator project


Cameron is a prolific contributor in the JSF newsgroup, ,  and in the eclipse community in general. I am confident he will be a great contributor to the incubator project.


Please cast your votes using the Eclipse portal.



Raghu Srinivasan

JSF Tool Project Lead

Oracle Inc.


(P.S: I am resending a manual version for this nomination since the automatic mail from the portal had the incorrect mailing list address.)

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