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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] A note on the term "release" and our XSL Plans and milestones

As for milestones, I'd suggest after this first one that we (XSL) try to line up exactly with WTP milestones. It takes more discipline, but 1) many users will expect it, and 2) you can't give feedback to WTP in time, if you have a later milestone, in the event WTP breaks XSL.

David, we'll have a clearer intent of where we need to be and what the community feels there needs to be done after we get an M1 out the door. Which is why we are shooting for January 21st, as we want to get an M1 out so that community members can give us feedback.

As for the actual 1.0 release me that hasn't been set in stone. I know that there has been discussion of trying to make Ganymede, but I don't think we've set anything in stone yet. Personally, I don't have a target date as I feel that the product backlog and user community requests should help drive the release cycle.

To this affect, I need Doug and Jesper to take some time and review the feature requirements, and the existing bug list so that we can truely create a product backlog. Something that we can help guage what is going to be worked on after M1 is released. Also, i still need what they feel is necessary to have an M1. I think on the debugging side we are good. On the launching side I think we need some more tweaking, and the Editor is close. Now whether Validation makes it into M1 or gets put off to M2 depends on how comfortable Jesper feels.

Just my opinion on what consitutes an M1:

1. Basic Debugging
2. Launching Support for both Debugging and Launching.
3. XML Editor with Content Assistance for XSLT 1.0
4. Preference pages under XML instead of separated.


Should come from Community feedback and bug reports as well as outstanding features that are listed on the XSLT requirements wiki page:


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