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Re: [wtp-dev] JSDT grunt / gulp demo - part 1

Hi Ilya,

Many thanks for this demo. Have you planned to support debugging of Gup/Grunt tasks?

Regard's Angelo

2016-01-19 16:37 GMT+01:00 Ilya Buziuk <ibuziuk@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Hello, guys
You might know that JSDT team is working on grunt / gulp support. The plan is to contribute those plugins to M6 release.
Basically, the work has started and I want to share a short demo video with you [1]. For now it is pretty half-baked but
essential improvements are on the go:

- Launch Configuration for gulp / grunt
- Navigation from Project Explorer to Editor
- Contribution of tasks to Outline view

If you are interested in this plugins it would be great if you put your comments / remarks / proposals into bugzilla [2]
P.S. Sending this email before JSDT Weekly Sync for IBM guys, so that you will be able to get the demo before the meeting ;-)

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