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[wtp-dev] Vote for Committer status for Elson Yuen was started by Angel Vera

webtools.servertools Committers,
This automatically generated message signals that Angel Vera has nominated
Elson Yuen as a Committer on the webtools.servertools project. The reason
given is as follows:

Elson has been involved in the project for a long time (if not from its
beginning) and has lately demonstrated an increasing interest in
contributing to the health of the project. He has volunteered (and has for
a while) been running the smoke test for the different streams.

In addition, Elson has also been very active with bugs and enhancements. He
has provided insightful comments to bugs, has helped me triage some of them
and has been steadily providing patches to bugs. He is actively seeking for
bugs to fix and asking me to assigned them to him. 

His contributions follow good committers guideline for our project, down to
the copyrights updates. This give me good confident that he is good
committer material for our project. See below for a list of bugs with patch
attached and other related work with bugs.

Below is a list of the bugs and enhancements that Elson has contributed
323455  SocketUtil.isLocalhost() method takes a long time
323750 	Hostname entry is very slow in New Server Wizard
315836 	Server tooltips are difficult to extend
319288 	Publishers may either cause lock conflicts or duplicate publishes
318069 	Publish occurs during server creation when publish after start
preference has been disabled
313184 	The Server Runtime Environment list is unreadable in High Contrast
288863 	Publish locks entire workspace
287442 	Publish Server job doesn't check the status of the startjob
312318 	RemoveModuleAction causes UI hang - called
on UI thread
311794 	PublisherDelegate do not provide delta kind information on
312116 	Project specific scheduling rule does not setup properly for
mulitple modules case
309047 	Need to skip some file when do publishSmart(...) using
299287 	Typo in UI control placement control
300255 	Adopter may have other constraints for checking name conflicts
286960 	Cannot delete a module using the delete key button on servers view.
296345 	[EaseOfUse] A new extension point to allow adopters to add
additional controls and behaviour to first page of server wizard
288992 	Published project modules missing the "Started" status in the
Servers view
271194 	Restart module cause server to stop
288950 	NPE while clicking on Server Editor
280815 	Enhance the IServerWorkingCopy API to allow setting the timeout and
publishers state
296591 	Layout problem on Add/Remove module dialog
258184 	Server objects on the Servers view does not show lightweight
261093 	Publish occurs during run on server even the server is
262575 	Published application doesn't show State as "Started" for the
249379 	TCPIP Monitor port UI problem
105831 	PubilshServer never gets called for servers without server
103838 	Undo in publishing settings does not work in server editor
104345 	Servers view does not refresh when changing the server mode
103400 	Restart server does a stop and then start instead of doing a
88515 	Server listener API changes
97896 	No child modules shows in the modify module and servers view
93775 	Code cleanup and J2EEUtil modification
90891 	Fix compile error in test cases 

Below is the list of bugs and enhancements where Elson has provided
316332  [hotbug] False validation on server runtime when creating new web
312490 	Unnecessary tracing errors
250500 	ConcurrentModificationException while firing new server event
243317 	Server status stuck on 'Republish'
295494 	RuntimeClasspathContainer should update runtime if it is null
310608 	Module Publish State completely overwritten by ResourceChangeJob
309506 	Should IWebFragmentModule exists
293742 	Publish Action in Servers View could be enabled when module
282483 	[Publishing] Allow publish *only* on build events rather than
resource change events
291833 	Requesting API for modules with children
291120 	[EaseOfUse] New server wizard flow
296830 	enhancement: javadoc for IModule.getName() insufficient
163222 	Replace "Project" by "Module" in messages
251174 	Add/Remove Dialog: Publish changes immediately
134593 	Need more control over the state of Actions on Server View
176626 	Multi-line display for publishing problems in modules
102450 	Create new server wizzard should allow to edit server name
164191 	loadAdapter() does not return the server behaviour
196657 	[hotbug] Timing hole in server start causes publish to occur after
179592 	Classpath container is not refreshed after adding a facet to
AppClient project with no EAR
183408 	Debug on doesn't change the server state
196080 	Disable 'Also create new server' option by default?
161128 	Publish fails when Server w/o initial status is started
86866 	Can't run JSP on Server from debug view 

Below is a query that shows the long history of Elson involvement with the
project. These are bugs that he has reported against WTP:
232580 Runtime component type extension point should have a display name
117789 [UI] Add/Remove project facets should provide button to create new
156569 [hotbug] The validation framework ignore validators with no project
nature but has enablement
117780 Java 1.4 facet cannot be switched to Java 5.0 facet
117788 Selecting a project facet does not automatically select the required
117784 Runtime facet cannot specify required facet
116724 NPE when selecting runtime facet on the Add and remote facet wizard
309325 Whole workspace is locked during JavaEEComponentExportOperation
322953 J2EEDeployOperation affect projects support needs a way to tell if
any deployer do not provide that info
192249 [hotbug] InvocationTargetException on EAR validator
122974 ProjectModule on a web utility module does not return the classes as
149995 [hotbug][modulecore] ProjectModule.members() returns compressed .war
and .jar in an imported EAR project
117779 Create J2EE modules during EAR creation does not have the same facet
95961 	Enterprise application fail to get the module list
318069 Publish occurs during server creation when publish after start
preference has been disabled
312318 RemoveModuleAction causes UI hang - called
on UI thread
311794 PublisherDelegate do not provide delta kind information on execute()
312116 Project specific scheduling rule does not setup properly for
mulitple modules case
310717 RunOnServerActionDelegate does not use IServer.canStart() to decide
whether the server can be started in a given mode
249531 Cannot add new module type support to an existing runtime type
286960 Cannot delete a module using the delete key button on servers view.
236976 UI for timeouts in server editor could be improved
271194 Restart module cause server to stop
288950 NPE while clicking on Server Editor
296591 Layout problem on Add/Remove module dialog
270450 Invalid thread access when calling
222588 Provide filter capability on the project list under the servers view
258184 Server objects on the Servers view does not show lightweight
261093 Publish occurs during run on server even the server is synchronized.
262575 Published application doesn't show State as "Started" for the
249379 TCPIP Monitor port UI problem
247183 Add and remove project menu item should be rename to Add and remove
248646 Server timeout settings has unnecessary upper limit
242631 Run on server always show deploy task list for optional deploy task
222587 Add/remove project should allow publish application immediately
241576 Run on server always causes a republish
237151 Apps on Servers view does not have a publish failed status
231414 Server editor error should display error on the top of server editor
215562 Server with auto publish on does not cause publish to occur when the
server changes from Stopped to Started
209201 Run on Server launch config causes lauches to be left in the Debug
View with no way of cleaning up
233742 Tomcat restart button should not be enabled if it is not supported
209389 Adding decorator on server working copy object causes server view
object to change
197541 Adopter should be able to customerize the tooltip shown on the
Servers view
183620 Delete server should not show stop option if server does not support
200703 Starting and stopping animation causes label decorators to refresh
192276 [hotbug] JRE of runtime target not setup properly when non-default
JRE is used.
172382 ServerCore static initializer causes deadlock
164173 Run on server does not check canModifyModule()
167883 Restart module action should be done within a job
117346 NPE when creating EAR/web project and
151904 [hotbug]RuntimeClasspathProviderDelegate does not have access to the
125020 Editing the runtime name does update in the server editor
111954 The horizontal and vertical scroll bar does not show in server
105831 PubilshServer never gets called for servers without server
103838 Undo in publishing settings does not work in server editor
104345 Servers view does not refresh when changing the server mode
103997 Add mechanism to refresh server status on the servers view
103400 Restart server does a stop and then start instead of doing a restart
88515  Server listener API changes
97896  No child modules shows in the modify module and servers view
93775  Code cleanup and J2EEUtil modification
90891  Fix compile error in test cases 

The vote is being held via the MyFoundation portal: voters *must* use the
portal for the votes to be properly recorded.  The voting will continue
until either all 7 existing Committers have voted or until they have been
given enough time to vote, even if they do not do so (defined as at least
one week). Elson Yuen must receive at least three +1s and no -1s for a
successful election.

Eligible Committers must cast their votes through their My Foundation
portal page (do NOT just reply to this email; your vote will not be
correctly recorded unless you use the portal):

The project Committers eligible to vote are:

    Naci Dai
    Timothy Deboer
    Gorkem Ercan
    Larry Isaacs
    Kate Price
    Angel Vera
    David Williams

*NOTE*: Successful elections are left open for a maximum of 60 days to
allow for processing of paperwork.  After that time the election will be
expired, regardless of its current status.  Should papework processing on
the part of the candidate take more time than allowed, a new election will
have to be held.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your project
lead, PMC member, or the EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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