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[wtp-dev] JavaScript editing in a SourceViewer within a dialog

Title: _javascript_ editing in a SourceViewer within a dialog

Im dealing with an issue regarding editing of _javascript_ within a dialog.  I have a dialog up and running with an embedded JavaSourceViewer with a _javascript_ configuration setup.

I have syntax highlighting, but cannot get the content assist to work.

Ive looked at the code for EditTemplateDialog and DetailFormatterDialog with no luck.

Do I need access to a JavaProject or CompilationUnit?  If so, how might I do this? 

I do not have an IEditorPart to work with, obviously since in a dialog.  Below is my code for trying to setup content assist for the _javascript_SourceViewConfiguration.  However, I get a JavaNoTypeCompletionProposalComputer error when trying it outIm assuming due to not having an IEditorPart passed into the JavaCompletionProcessor constructor.

public IContentAssistant getContentAssistant(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) {

ContentAssistant assistant= new ContentAssistant();


      assistant.setRestoreCompletionProposalSize(getSettings("completion_proposal_size")); //$NON-NLS-1$

      IContentAssistProcessor javaProcessor= new JavaCompletionProcessor(getEditor(), assistant, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);

      assistant.setContentAssistProcessor(javaProcessor, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);

      ContentAssistProcessor singleLineProcessor= new JavaCompletionProcessor(getEditor(), assistant, IJavaScriptPartitions.JAVA_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT);

      assistant.setContentAssistProcessor(singleLineProcessor, IJavaScriptPartitions.JAVA_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT);

      ContentAssistProcessor stringProcessor= new JavaCompletionProcessor(getEditor(), assistant, IJavaScriptPartitions.JAVA_STRING);

      assistant.setContentAssistProcessor(stringProcessor, IJavaScriptPartitions.JAVA_STRING);


      ContentAssistProcessor multiLineProcessor= new JavaCompletionProcessor(getEditor(), assistant, IJavaScriptPartitions.JAVA_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT);

      assistant.setContentAssistProcessor(multiLineProcessor, IJavaScriptPartitions.JAVA_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT);

      ContentAssistProcessor javadocProcessor= new JavadocCompletionProcessor(getEditor(), assistant);

      assistant.setContentAssistProcessor(javadocProcessor, IJavaScriptPartitions.JAVA_DOC);

      ContentAssistPreference.configure(assistant, fPreferenceStore);




      return assistant;


Is there some other Eclipse code I should be looking at for an example?

Is this the right forum to post such questions?

I’m using Eclipse: 3.4.1 M20080911-1700

I’ve installed WTP 3.0.5

I know Im using an older version of Eclipse and WTP, but Im currently stuck at this level and could use any sort of advice.

Thanks in advance

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