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[wtp-dev] Some (hopefully) quick validator v2 questions

Hello all,

As a result of adding a new resource type in our extension of our own JPA tools framework, it seems we need to advance quickly to the v2 validator framework. Very quickly. I wonder if I could pose a few questions:

- In the presentation (here: it was hinted that one could provide a v2 implementation by wrapping an existing v1 implementation. Obviously, if we need to do this quickly, this sounds very good. Looking at the existing v2 validators, I don't see anyone who has done what I understand as wrapping.Can someone give me a thumbnail sketch of how that might be done? I tried finding a post-implementation overview, but only found one from 2005 ( Do I want the delegating validator? And if so, do I need to use the validatorDelegates extension point?

- Relatedly, there was a hint in the bug ( that there might be a getting started guide. *Is* there a getting started guide?

- Most of the validator framework surrounds validation of a *file*. Are there any thoughts about *project-wide* validation? The nature of the beast that is JPA is that everything depends on everything else. Changing a java file can change validation for a persistence.xml file. Changing the persistence.xml file can change validation for an orm.xml file. Changing the orm.xml file can change validation for the original java file. So each validation run for us, due to the nature of JPA, implies a validation of the entire project. But each validation run is centered on a single file. This means that if several files change (or if a project wide validation is run), then the project gets validated once for each resource, which is a huge waste of cycles. Any thoughts on how we can register validation to be run on changes to all these files, but done only once per project, per validation run? (OK, this one isn't as quick, but it also isn't as pressing, either.)

Thanks in advance,

Paul Fullbright
Oracle Corp.
Eclipse Dali/Java Persistence Tools Development

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