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Re: [wtp-dev] JSDT inference: type of "this"

On Apr 8, 2008, at 2:04 AM, Phil Berkland wrote:
This "this" should have the same type as the current context in the InferEngine. You can set the current context by doing "currentContext.currentType= ??". If we see a "this.something" in a function, we assume there is somekind of object involved, and if we dont know the type, we create an anonymous type.

But how can I set the currentContext.currentType? Everything about the context is package private.

It seems to me the problem goes like this:

When defining a constructor, I work with a definition that looks like this:

qx.Class.define("Application", {
	construct : function(x) { }

The function declaration is in the initializer of a first-level object literal field. The context is preserved from where the type "Application is defined, and thus(?) "this" gets the type "Application".

However, Qooxdoo method declarations go like this:

qx.Class.define("Application", {
	members : {
	    aMethod : function(x) {

This is an object literal field within the first-level object literal field. There, the context type is lost and an anonymous type is created. It contains all the members but nothing else of type "Application". (I don't really understand why it contains all the members since I'm actually adding them to the inferred type "Application".)

What can I do to preserve the type within nested object literal fields?

Best Regards,
Matthias Kempka
Dipl.-Inform. Matthias Kempka
Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH
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