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RE: [wtp-dev] Re: Java EE server adapter questions

Hi Rochelle, Mark,

Sorry, I must have missed the earlier note.

The generic server name can be somewhat misleading, but it's really just a specialized server adapter. It allows you to define the behaviour for a new server adapter through a simple xml file instead of coding in Java. It allows you to start using your server quickly, so you don't need to create a custom server adapter unless you need a high level of interaction or integration with your particular server.

If you only need to change the install location of your server, you should just be able to declare that your server uses the same wizard fragment out of the generic server framework. This should also provide a UI to change any of the other properties you've declared for your server. If you need to do more or customize it, you can provide your own fragment - and depending on the level of risk/time you'll accept you can write one from scratch, base on the internal one for now, or open an API request to expose the generic server one for customization.

By default, the Eclipse Console only shows errors (i.e. output to System.err) in red. You can customize the colour in the preferences, you may be able to switch your server to use System.out, or you can contact the platform UI team if you were interested in extending/modifying the console.

And yes, if you're going to EclipseCon you can corner us there as well!

Tim deBoer
Eclipse WTP PMC

From: "Mark Walker" <mwwalker@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 02/28/2008 04:30 AM
Subject: RE: [wtp-dev] Re: Java EE server adapter questions

As a fellow WTP extender/investigator I found the same issue. There is
no tutorial on anything other than the basic generic server material
found at the website and in the WTP book.

The only reference for a non-generic server is the tomcat server adaptor
source code.

As for the difference in capabilities the simple answer is that a
generic server behaves as described elsewhere, whereas with a custom
server you can do "anything you want". That is, using a custom server
adapter you can put any Java code you want.

Hope this helps, I held of from answering before because I thought
someone (from the WTP team) would have replied. I imagine they're
getting ready for eclipseCon next month, which incidentally is an ideal
place to grab them and ask these questions.


Mark Walker.
Technical Architect for Tools Avaya UK.

-----Original Message-----
From: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [
On Behalf Of raccah@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 28 February 2008 01:03
To: wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [wtp-dev] Re: Java EE server adapter questions

I never got a response to this, so trying once more.  If this is the
wrong alias, please point me at the correct one.


raccah@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I'm an Eclipse and WTP newbie, so please help me get started!
> I'm working on improving an existing Java EE server adapter which uses
> the generic server support.  I've also just read through the Adding
> New Servers chapter of Eclipse Web Tools Platform: Developing Java(tm)
> Web Applications.
> My questions:
> 1) Is there a document describing the types of things you can do with
> a custom server vs. a generic one?  Is there a good tutorial on
> writing a custom one?
> 2) One of the things I was trying to do was improve the "Missing
> classpath entry" message in the New Server dialog when pointing at a
> location which was not really an installed server.  I found that the
> Geronimo plugin does this in a WizardFragment subclass, but I'm not
> clear on whether I need a custom adapter just for this or I can
> provide a replacement WizardFragment for this.  And, if just a wizard
> fragment, I see it is discouraged to subclass the built in
> org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.ui.internal.GenericServerRuntimeWizardF
> ragment in internal packages... What is the best way to go about doing
> something like this?
> 3) What's the best way to control the color of my server console text?
> Right now it's all red - shouldn't that only be for errors?
> I'm sure I'll have more questions later.
> Thanks!
> Rochelle
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