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RE: [wtp-dev] WTP Related Activities at EclipseCon2007

"Free Beer" Enterprise Web Development in Eclipse

Long talk, Wednesday, 13:30, 50 minutes | Grand Ballroom F


From: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John Lanuti
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 12:10 PM
To: wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [wtp-dev] WTP Related Activities at EclipseCon2007


WTP community,

As we approach EclipseCon2007, for your convenience, and to broudcast accordingly, here is a list of all the WTP related sessions next week.  If I have missed any sessions, please respond to the mailing list with the session title and its day/time.  Also, let's try and get as many people gathered as we can for the WTP BOF Monday night at 7:30 PM to kick off the week right!

(3581) Extending the Web Tools Platform
Long Tutorial Monday, 08:00, 10 hours | Grand Ballroom D

(3633) Building applications with WTP - Java Persistence API (JPA)
Short Tutorial Monday, 10:30, 2 hours | Winchester

(3634) Extending the XML and source editors from the WTP Project
Short Tutorial Monday, 13:30, 2 hours | Winchester

(3654) Building applications with WTP - JavaServer Faces (JSF)
Short Tutorial Monday, 16:00, 2 hours | Winchester

(3638) Java Web Application Development with Eclipse WTP
Short Tutorial Monday, 16:00, 2 hours | Room 206

(3677) Using the Web Tools Platform in Headless Mode
Short Tutorial Monday, 08:00, 2 hours | Great America Meeting Room 1

Web Tools Platform (WTP) Committer, Contributor, and Wannabe Committer BoF
BOF Monday, 19:30, 1 hour 15 minutes | Room 209

Java and XML Web Services Tools in WTP BoF
BOF Monday, 20:45, 1 hour 15 minutes | Great America Meeting Room 2

Best Practices for Effective Job Support in WTP
Short Talk Tuesday, 10:10, 10 minutes | Ballroom FGHABC

Hey WTP, Where'd My Database Function Go?
Short Talk Tuesday, 10:30, 10 minutes | Ballroom FGHABC

Extending WTP Using Project Facets
Long Talk Tuesday, 11:10, 50 minutes | Grand Ballroom E

Introduction to Web Services Tools in WTP
Long Talk Tuesday, 13:30, 50 minutes | Great America Ballroom JK

Adopting WTP in Your Products
Panel Tuesday, 16:30, 50 minutes | Theater

XML Development Tools in Eclipse WTP and Beyond
Long Talk Wednesday, 15:30, 50 minutes | Grand Ballroom D

Provide Java EE 5 design time support via WTP 1.5 and Eclipse 3.2
Short Talk Thursday, 14:10, 10 minutes | Ballroom GHAB


John Lanuti
IBM Web Tools Platform Technical Lead, IBM Rational
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
t/l 441-7861

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