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[wtp-dev] Minutes of the WTP Status Telecon, 2006-02-16

Amy Wu
Arthur Ryman
Chris Brealey
Chuck Bridgham
Craig Salter
David Klein
David Williams
Eugene Chan
Hubert Leung
Jeffrey Liu
John Lanuti
Kate Price
Kathy Chan
Kosta Komissarchik
Larry Dunnell
Lawrence Mandel
Nitin Dahyabhai
Phil Avery
Rob Frost
Sachin Pattel
Tim deBoer
Tim Wagner

See WTP Status Telecons [1] for more information.



1. Actions Items - Arthur Ryman

Active Items

The following actions items showed some activity last week. [1] Kudos to Naci for getting the CVS reports working!
122833 nor P2 jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx NEW releng --- [action] Improve Test Automation
127183 nor P3 jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx NEW releng --- [action] Demonstrate Code Usage and Breakage Scanning Tools
127179 nor P3 david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx NEW website --- [action] Add Guidelines on Writing SCM-Friendly Code Gene...
123697 nor P3 kosta@xxxxxxx RESO wst.comm --- [action] Create a written smoke test for Facets.
122187 nor P3 naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx RESO releng 1.0.1 M101 [action] Generate reports of fixed bugs from CVS commit c...

5 bugs found.

Open Items

The following action items are currently open [2]. Action items owners should update their status in Bugzilla prior to the status telecon. Thx.

122833 nor P2 jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx NEW releng --- [action] Improve Test Automation
127183 nor P3 jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx NEW releng --- [action] Demonstrate Code Usage and Breakage Scanning Tools
127179 nor P3 david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx NEW website --- [action] Add Guidelines on Writing SCM-Friendly Code Gene...
114446 nor P3 cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.j2ee 1.5 M5 [action] Open API requests for non-API usages in WTP
113137 nor P3 kosta@xxxxxxx NEW jst.j2ee 1.5 M6 [action] Create a tutorial document for facets

5 bugs found.



2. WTP 1.0.1 Status

- We are shutting down. Only stop-ship bugs will be approved during shutdown. Any regressions or serious problems that prevent adoption are stop-ship.

2.1) WTP 1.0.1 Build Status - David Williams

David - There have been no code changes since Tuesday, but l have found some label problems. I can't get a good build from the Lomboz build machine due to network problems. I did get a good build from the Eclipse build machine but there were 12 JUnit failures which are probably due to the use of the IBM JRE. The failures occur in validation and I have asked Lawrence to investigate.

Lawrence - I looked at the problem. It looks like there are slightly different error messages being returned and the JUnits are probably checking error messages incorrectly.

Jeffrey - David Lauzon was also looking at this problem for WS-I validation.

Chuck - I'm looking at the common component test failures.

Lawrence- David, how can I tell which build machine was used based on the information posted on the Web site?

David - You can't aside from the fact that JUnit failures occur on the Eclipse machine. I'll fix the Web page to indicate which build machine was used.

2.2) WTP 1.0.1 Hot Bug Status [1] - Jeffrey Liu

The 1.0.1 Hot List needs to be cleaned up:

126757 cri P2 kosta@xxxxxxx NEW jst.j2ee --- J2EE Update Navigation job and Install facet job cause We...
125238 maj P2 jlanuti@xxxxxxxxxx REOP jst.j2ee 1.0.2 M102 J2EE Project Explorer should display EJBs in sorted list
126115 maj P2 david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.sse 1.5 M5 Deadlock in SSE

3 bugs found.

There have been two recent posts about Hot Bugs [4]

February 15, 06
18:53 RE: [wtp-dev] WTP 1.0.1 Bug Triage/Cleanup Konstantin Komissarchik
18:29 [wtp-dev] Please add 12118 to the WTP 1.0.1 hot list Jim D'Anjou [5] - note typo in subject line - should be 128118
17:56 [wtp-dev] WTP Project Explorer migrated to Eclipse Common Navigator Framework John Lanuti
17:46 [wtp-dev] WTP 1.0.1 Bug Triage/Cleanup Arthur Ryman
17:44 [wtp-dev] Hot bug 128113 Timothy Deboer [6]

Kosta - We should not set target for Hot bugs. We should treat them like other bugs and only set the target when we have a fix.

Lengthy discussion followed.

[action] Jeffrey to propose better process for Hot Bugs. [7]

2.3) WTP 1.0.1 WST Bug Triage [2] - Arthur Ryman

128113 cri P2 deboer@xxxxxxxxxx ASSI wst.serv 1.0.1 M101 Creating a remote server requires local server install

One bug found.

2.4) WTP 1.0.1 JST Bug Triage [3] - Arthur Ryman for Naci Dai

128223 blo P2 jlanuti@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.j2ee 1.0.1 M101 The IEnterpriseApplication.getURI() returns ear uri inste...
92972 nor P2 jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx NEW releng 1.0.1 M101 WTP Features Missing from Feature Details
128304 nor P3 lmandel@xxxxxxxxxx NEW document 1.0.1 M101 ISV Documentation not included in 101 zip files
128284 nor P3 naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.ejb 1.0.1 M101 Entity Beans should be (re)disabled in 101 release
122877 nor P3 david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx NEW releng 1.0.1 M101 wst and jst zips need a .eclipseextension file

5 bugs found.

Arthur - All bugs targetted for 1.0.1 have been reviewed. The decision is to rebuild when fixes for 128113, 128118, and 128223 have been released. We will not wait for any other fixes.

David - I want to confirm that everyone has accurate plugin versions.

Tim - All plugins look like they have changed due to the qualifier.

Arthur - Can we compare the plugins to what was shipped in 1.0?

David - Yes. Look at R_1_0 tag.

Chuck - What's the impact?

Arthur - Will everything get updated?

David - There is potential impact to adopters if they are specific about the version.

Arthur - Who is impacted?

Tim W - No impact.

Tim D - No impact





2.5) WTP Adopter tool and Non-API Code Deprecation [1] - Jeffrey Liu

Jeffrey - I posted a tutorial on how to scan code for adopter breakages. [2]

Hubert - What info do you need from adopters?

Jeffrey - There is a scanning tool you run to generate an XML report. Then attach it to bugzilla.

Arthur - Hubert, are you looking at this as an adopter of WTP?

Hubert - Yes, TPTP is an adopter.



3. WTP 1.5 Status

3.1) WTP 1.5 Build Status - David Williams

David - Today is I-build day. We just recently got a clean compile but still are getting those known JUnit failures on the Eclipse build machine. Please smoke test and fix the JUnits if possible. The non-zero JUnit failure count on the Eclipse machine may inhibit adopters. The Lomboz machine has network problems but I want to use it to produce the WTP 1.0.1 release.

Arthur - Timed out here. Next week we'll focus on 1.5 status.

3.2) WTP 1.5 Hot Bug Status [1] - Jeffrey Liu

18 bugs found.

118853 maj P2 jlanuti@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.j2ee 1.5 M5 ExtendableOperationImpl needs undo/redo support
125524 maj P2 jst.server-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.serv 1.5 M5 PublishUtil.createZipFile() has problem deleting file
107311 maj P2 david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.sse 1.5 M5 IStructuredModel#save(IFile) for SaveAs causes a ghost file
125929 maj P2 nagrawal@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.vali 1.5 M5 Invalid reflection errors during EJB validation
115892 maj P2 kosta@xxxxxxx NEW wst.comm 1.5 M6 Need Auto-selection of facet dependencies
123959 nor P2 david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.xml --- Bad performance of XML Editor with large xml files.
121153 nor P2 jlanuti@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.j2ee 1.5 M5 Unlinked ejb references are incorrectly filtered.
123596 nor P2 gercan@xxxxxxx NEW jst.serv 1.5 M5 Exception while adding server. WebLogic.
123600 nor P2 wst-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Web Stan 1.5 M5 Exception While Canceling Building.
123941 nor P2 nitind@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.sse 1.5 M5 Content assist and some formater actions can be Undone on...
111545 nor P2 deboer@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.serv 1.5 M6 Seperation of Server and Runtime is causing problems
126325 nor P3 naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.ejb --- Exceptions when XDoclet version is changed
114599 nor P3 pavery@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.jsp 1.5 M5 Content assistant does not work within a custom tag (jsp:...
121583 min P2 gercan@xxxxxxx NEW jst.serv 1.5 M5 Inconvenient error message when creating new server
126405 enh P2 kosta@xxxxxxx REOP wst.comm --- Add way to execute code whenever a facet combination is met
118493 enh P2 nagrawal@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.vali 1.5 M5 global validation preferences should be valid for all pro...
95903 enh P2 kchong@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.xml 1.5 M5 XML Catalog extension points should support locations wit...
115762 enh P3 david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.jsp --- Extension points for code completion and validation are n...

18 bugs found.


4. Other Business - Open

Arthur Ryman,
IBM Software Group, Rational Division

phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
assistant: +1-905-413-2411, TL 969-2411
fax: +1-905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
mobile: +1-416-939-5063, text: 4169395063@xxxxxxx

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