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[wtp-dev] Declared "start of M9 shutdown testing" build: I200511162235

All teams have reported this driver suitable for in-depth testing.

(Well, except for Mr. ("Sachin") Geronimo Mac User who's always pushing our limits
... and we * will * be investigating his bug reports! : )

I suspect we will be producing a new (warmup-only?) I-build nearly once daily to pick up critical fixes before
declaring M9 next week.

So ... release carefully, and post honest list of bugs to be fixed by your releases here to mailing list.
(I don't believe, in all the flurry of notes, anyone has yet suggested tighter controls than that,
and suspect that will suffice for next two or three days, where I'd expect 20 or so changes per day
... after that two or three days, I'd be hoping for just 3 to 6 changes per day for the last few days).


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