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[wtp-dev] Status of our builds as we approach RC1

Yes, that's right, July 13th is coming right up. Remember we are looking to *produce* the high quality RC1 on Wednesday.

First, I'd like to thank Naci for improving our build mechanics this weekend. Having tagged builds and a tagged "builder" project is much more professional.

Second, please be aware that we've to setup builds to be "continuous" (meaning, immediate if modifications are released). This means if you release something, it will trigger an I-build.
I'm still trying to understands CruiseControl's concept of interacting time intervals, but the basic idea is it checks at least once per hour and then waits a few minutes for no
changes, then does the build, if one is not already in progress, and since a build-in-progress might take up to two hours to finish  ...

... this means, basically, once you release, your changes should be available in an I-build in from 2 to 4 hours later. There's still plenty of room for improvement, name changing, etc., so don't hesitate to contribute.

Third, I've updated to Xerces 2.7.0 .. speaking of which, one of the JUnit failures over the weekend (with XSD Validation tests) was entirely my fault, see tor details and my penance.

As luck would have that pesky erratic  failed in the last build of the weekend. I know Bug 103167  has been opened for this, and undoubtedly needs some fixes and investigations there, but I did the obvious thing, and tried to run J2EEUtilsTests all by itself and it fails ALL THE TIME, when ran all by itself. It fails for different reasons than what's in the build logs ... but, it just makes me wonder ... shouldn't all JUnit tests be "stand alone"? And if one test depends on another test, or test suite, I imagine that would make that test more fragile? Am I missing something? Or can this test be improved?

Thanks all.

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