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[wtp-dev] ArtifactEdit API cleanup in head


In order to meet the "API should not call Non-API" standards, we have cleaned up the Artifact Edit classes.

Since, WorkbenchComponent is internal, the following methods were removed form all aritfact edit classes:

public static ArtifactEdit getArtifactEditForRead(WorkbenchComponent aModule)
public static ArtifactEdit getArtifactEditForWrite(WorkbenchComponent aModule)

They are replaced with the following virtual component counterparts:

public static ArtifactEdit getArtifactEditForRead(IVirtualComponent aModule)
public static ArtifactEdit getArtifactEditForWrite(IVirtualComponent aModule)
If you use or extend artifact edits, please follow accordingly.  These changes have been released to the HEAD stream.


John Lanuti
Software Engineer, IBM Rational
t/l 441-7861

"You see this wandering soul, he's never gonna stop, because he loves and he feels this world can grow.
He's not afraid of feeling, he loves what he believes, he feels, and he grows."  - Of A Revolution

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