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Re: [wtp-dev] Some recent server problems <test>

It looks like attachements work. In my case it put them at the very bottom of the note. Here are the images:

Let me know if you still have problems.

Brad Blancett
IBM Software Solutions
Tie  3-2650

Brad Blancett/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

12/14/2004 01:41 PM
Please respond to wtp-dev

        To:        wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [wtp-dev] Some recent server problems <test>

Hey Alexander,

I am not sure what the rules are for attachments, I am guessing they are removed. Let me try this, if it doesnt work I will find an external website for them.

Brad Blancett
IBM Software Solutions
Tie  3-2650

Alexander Smirnoff <alexsmr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

12/14/2004 10:21 AM
Please respond to wtp-dev
        To:        wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [wtp-dev] Some recent server problems


Thanks for reply. I'll fetch the new ibuild as soon as possible.

My thunderbird email client do not shows images you've sent properly.
Can you resend them as JPG or somehting else readable?


Brad Blancett wrote:


We (J2EE tooling) released some fixes lastnight that should help with run-on sever issue, please grab the new integration build (when available). There are still quite a few issues with defining a server, that I will try and talk to Server team about today.

Here is the scenario I am using to get a Tomcat 3.2 war deployed:

1) install a server runtime through preferences/server
2) create webproject/ switch to J2EE perspective
3) goto server view
4) add server
5) add projects to server - there is a caching issue here, so even if you have already added a project, it will show up in the add list.
6) start server

problems and workarounds:

1)"can not publish" - open the server.xml via the server view double click on defined - open dirty and save.
2) can not find apache bootstrap.jar - look at the runtime configuration for apache - make sure the arguments are defined. create a new runtime configuration.

3) in the run-as wizard no server in the drop down box, make sure you have defined a server through the server view.

We will continue to test and iron out any of the J2EE issues, please contact me if you have any questions.


Brad Blancett
IBM Software Solutions
Tie  3-2650

Alexander Smirnoff <alexsmr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx  

12/14/2004 01:00 AM
Please respond to wtp-dev  
       To:        wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
       Subject:        [wtp-dev] Some recent server problems

While testing recent 12.12 integration build I find out few minor but
annoying problems.

1. When creating new server I'm always getting server resources created
in workspace (correspondent check-box in the server preferences is
2. I've changed the moduleObjectAdapter to moduleArtifactAdapter
extension point and correspondent changes in classes. But when I try to
launch the resource on the server there is no option 'run on the server'
in context menu any more as it was before.
BTW, the CVS version of jst.sample.web.project in moduleArtifactAdapter  
extension references the ModuleArtifactAdapter class, however it is
still ModuleObjectAdapter in workspace (i.e. it does not work)
3. When trying to launch the server without any published application it
fails (should it?) saying 'nothing to publish'.

I was running Tomcat 5.5.
wtp-dev mailing list

#### image1.JPG has been removed from this note on December 14, 2004 by Brad Blancett
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