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Re: [vtp-dev] Browser API Tutorial


> Marcus Shaw and I have been collaborating on a tutorial to plug a
> browser into the VTP's browser API: 

Good work. I think that this is a good description to get started.

Here are some review comments (some of them might be API related):

section: Getting Started

1. Setting default to true

Q: What happens, if multiple vendors set this to true? Who controls
this? I think this settings does not make sense. It would be better
to remember the last chosen browser and choose this one at the next

2. setProperty

R: It should be mentioned, that this method is called with all
properties of all known browser implementations and that a manual
filtering is required.

3. demo implementation of stop()

Q: You check for process!=null Who sets the process to null? This should
appear somewhere.

4. start/stop

R: The browser is not started, but the application on the browser.

5. setProcess

Q: Why should the field for the process be protected? Private should be

section Adding a configuration pane 

6. isValid 

Q: This method might be insufficient to notify the user about the cause.
How can I inform the user about the reason?

section Communicating with the UI

7. Some standard events include indicating the browser has terminated or
has been paused.

Q: How can a browser be paused? I don't see this in the API.


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