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[ve-dev] How to use preferences store in a property editor?


I built a control extending the visual editor in my plugin, it works
fine. Now I want to poblate a list for one of its property editors
from the preferences store using the line:
     String[] values =

the following exception is thrown when the bean is inserted in the pane

IWAV0073I *** RemoteVM Exception - Trace from Remote VM:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/ui/plugin/AbstractUIPlugin
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

How can I force my plugin to find the requested preference?

org/eclipse/ui/plugin/AbstractUIPlugin is part of the
eclipse.ui.workbench plugin. I forced this dependence on my
plugin.xml, it finds the class but at then looks for another class,
and so forth. I added the bundles but at end a null pointer exception
is returned because the plugin is not initialized and getDefault()
returns null.

My environment is eclipse 3.2 with 1.2

I'll thank for any help

This is what I added to my plugin.xml
		<classpathContainerInitializer			class=""
	<extension point="">
		<registration container="MayPlugin.ControlsContainer"
			description="My Plugin Library">
			<library runtime="" />
			<library runtime="skin.jar" />
			<library runtime="org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.2.2.M20070119-0800.jar" />	
			<library runtime="org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.2.0.v20060603.jar" />
			<library runtime="org.eclipse.osgi_3.2.2.R32x_v20070118.jar"/>

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