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[ve-dev] Initialization error with VisualComponentAdapter#componentValidated()

Rich -- thanks very much for getting the "fix" in for the TreeVisualContainerEditpolicy.activate() problem.

As you may remember, I have been getting a rather strange initialization message (  Think I have finally localized the source.

I am using VisualComponentAdapter#componentValidated() as a trigger to reconcile layout configuration changes in the remote VM with the model held by my helper.  To implement the reconcile, I am doing a number of calls out to my remoteVMAdapter to dig out the informaiton I need.  (These calls are being made within the callback thread -- which appears to already be an async thread.)

During initialization of VE on an existing source file, VisualComponentAdapter#componentValidated() is being called, starting a reconcile.  Invariably, one of the calls to the remoteVMAdapter will fail, provoking the error message.  The specific call that fails seems to vary, as does the content of the error message, *apparently* depending on the number of formlayout/JPanels are in the design.  The listing in the prior message comes from a design with three formlayout/JPanels.  For a single formlayout/JPanel, I get only this as the error:

!ENTRY org.eclipse.jem.proxy 4 0 2006-08-30 21:08:35.625
!MESSAGE In REMCallbackThread
!STACK 0 Socket closed
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.eclipse.jem.internal.proxy.common.remote.Commands.sendErrorCommand(
at org.eclipse.jem.internal.proxy.common.remote.Commands.sendCallbackDoneCommand(

Currently, I am flagging and ignoring the first  #componentValidated() callback, thereby skipping the reconcile during VE initialization.  Subsequent #componentValidated()/reconciles work fine.

Question is, is this just an initialization problem internal to VE -- and have I identified a valid workaround -- or is my doing the reconcile on the callback thread not proper?  If not, what is the correct way to use #componentValidated() to initiate the reconcile process.

Appreciate any help and advice you can give,

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