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RE: [ve-dev] parse tree alloc

Hi Gili,

>>> Gili >>>
Off hand, my first approach would be to treat this (in codegen) as a special
property that is set on the toolbar.  CodeGen will treat is as a "special"
property settings on the tool bar, but the decoder helper that is associated
with this new feature will create a Separator instance with the proper
allocation tree.

While decoding I create java instance of ULCSeparator and set it on the
"separator" SF of ULCMenu.

Could you please elaborate on "create instance with proper allocation tree"
and is there some sample code for this which I can look up?

Thanks and regards,


"Janak Mulani" <janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
07/15/2005 02:44 AM Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

To"ve-Dev@Eclipse. Org" <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject[ve-dev] separator


The separators for toolbar and menu are not supported in Swing VE.

In ULC we have ULCSeparator like JSeparator of swing.

I would like to generate addSeparator() method on tool bar and menu. But at
the same time suppress the generation of new ULCSepartor() expression and
also suppress generation of global or local var and getters.

In general is there a way to suppress generation of instantiation, variables
and getters?

Can I do the following:

In override file for ULCSeparator specify a CodeGenHelperClass that extends

The helper for decoder extends from ConstructorDecoderHelper and generates

Or is there a better way to do separator?



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