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Re: [ve-dev] Replacing The Source Editor and Source Model

Dr. Gili Mendel
Software Development
RTP Raleigh, NC
(919)543 6408, tie: 441 6408

"Robert Triebwasser" <rtriebwasser@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/02/2005 06:16 PM

Please respond to

[ve-dev] Replacing The Source Editor and Source Model

>I have read the Extend VE to build a ULC GUI builder document and I am referring to Section 3 titled “Visual Editor Architectural Overview”.
>From the diagram shown on page 6 of the document, it appears that loading of the VE model from the .java file and saving of the VE model to the .java file is done with a software >component or components. I am wondering if this component or components is replaceable so as to allow me to create my own version or extension of the Visual Editor that will >persist not to .java files, but my custom XML file format which is not editable directly from the IDE such as Java source code is.

Yes... you can create a visual editor that (may) embed an XML editor and provide an XML adapter (replacing the current CodeGen adapter).

>Is the design of the Eclipse Visual Editor conducive to non-source code related Visual Editing of Swing or SWT based Java Beans persisted with a defined XML format?

We used to have a top down (dev. based) editor that had no .java code parse/gen in it.  This editor serialized the VE model directly (using the default EMF XMI serialization which is a verbose XML based schema).... we used it to develop the GUI support while the code gen support was being built.  It will be easier to reWrite this editor (...glue portions of the current VE editor) than try and make the old editor current. ... be great to build one with the option to extend it with a specific serialize factory contribution so that users can contribute different serializes for specifics schemas..... if you are willing to role up your sleeves, we will be more than happy to help and guide you to where/how to start... we will also be interested to accept any contribution in this area (hint, hint :-)


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