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[ve-dev] Disabling swing Palette


We have the following issues with regards to our ULC VE plugin:

1. Trying to disable Swing Palette:

We implemented the extension point:




ULCVisualEditorContributor implements IVEContributor as follows to remove
all Swing palette.

public boolean contributePalleteCats(List currentCategories, ResourceSet
rset) {
	// remove the palette categories of the plugins (i.e. the VE plugin) on
which ulc ve plugin depends
	return true;

The arg currentCategories contains all the Swing and Awt palette categories.

This works fine in the Plug-in Development environment. However, it does not
work when the ULC plugin is installed on a separate Eclipse installation.

Question: Is this a correct way of suppressing Swing palettes? If so why
does it not work outside of plugin dev environment?

2. As discussed earlier, we would like to disable/uninstall/stop running ULC
VE plugin if the license for it is invalid.

Alternatively, in the VE, is there a way to disable the canvas, the bean
tree and code generation?

Thanks and regards,

Janak & Sibylle

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