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RE: [ve-dev] Make an VE based tool

If you need anything from the CDT to do this, please let us know on the 
cdt-dev list. I'm currently working on plans for the CDT DOM and one of 
the things I want to consider is helping VE work with C++ code.

Doug Schaefer, IBM's CDT Architect
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Dave Orme <DaveO@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: ve-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
03/23/2004 11:43 AM
Please respond to

"'ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx'" <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

RE: [ve-dev] Make an VE based tool

I would like to make a tool for building GUI with VE. The tool will 
generate C++ code for QNX that will be embedded on a specific hardware. I 
want to developp this tool for Eclipse and I thought I can use VE as a 
framework. But I can't find any documentation for the API and the source I 
found in is the "internal". 
Excellent!  Dan Dodge (president of QNX) and I have been talking about 
supporting QNX off and on for months now...
Where can I find documentation for the API of VE? What parts of the VE 
feature should I use for developp a non-Java code generator? 
Unfortunately, there isn't much yet.  I've been working (slowly) on 
understanding VE myself and have been documenting things as I go on my 
blog.  That is at 
I'm currently working on putting together a simple example showing the 
gist of how you approach VEP programming that I'm hoping to publish next 
week sometime.  In the meantime, you've come to the right place!  Ask 
questions and we'll help you get started.
To get you started (others, please feel free to jump in here and add, 
correct, etc):
VEP is based pretty strictly on the MVC pattern.  The model is defined 
using EMF because it provides a pretty nice language-neutral way to 
specify metadata.  It's easiest to think of the EMF metadata methods as 
being analogous to the stuff in java.lang.reflect, but generic.
Everything in VEP therefore pretty much boils down to one of two things:
1) Manipulating the model
2) Visualizing all or part of the model in some way.
I'll let Joe or Rich or Gili or... jump in here and add to this.  I'll try 
to get my next blog entry up ASAP, as that will take this idea and expand 
on it some.
Dave Orme
VEP Project Leader

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