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RE: [ve-dev] Create Visual Class Wizard

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Phil asked me earlier today about how we as a project handle code submissions.  After I told him what Gili said below (this happened before Gili sent his response.), Phil suggested that we adopt a code submission protocol used by lots of other successful open source projects including Eclipse's CDT project:
- Code developed by non-committers is extracted from Eclipse as a patch which is then posted to the ve-dev mailing list.  (If traffic gets too high on ve-dev, we can split the mailing list, but we're not anywhere near that problem right now.)
- It will be the responsibility of the committer of the applicable code area to evaluate the patch and commit it or deny it.
- The responsible committer will then post a reply to the list minimally indicating "+1" if the patch went in, and "-1" plus a reason if it didn't.  Of course, compliments and/or constructive criticism are also welcome. :-)
Advantages of this protocol:
- New folks will have more opportunities to learn the VE code base from the others who are climbing the learning curve.  For example, I'm sure I'll learn from reading Phil's patches even though I'm not working in the same area as he is.
- This provides a built-in code review.  The more people we have reading code patches, the faster we'll find bugs in those patches, and the faster everyone will learn as a result.  (See; more detail available at; but the whole essay is very worth reading). 
- Our team will produce higher quality code as a result.
- Reading a well-written code patch is fun!  Really well-written code can border on poetry.  The more fun we have together here, the more folks will want to spend time here.  Some of those folks will want to write cool code like they see contributed.
- The mailing list traffic isn't exactly hopping; this will give us more to talk about.  :-)  When traffic becomes unbearable, we can split the mailing list into ve-dev and ve-patches.  I'd be really happy to have that problem.  :-)
- The mailing list archives will automatically provide an audit trail of patches that are contributed to the project.
So I propose that we follow the protocol Phil has recommended here.
Comments, anyone?
-----Original Message-----
From: Dr Gili Mendel [mailto:gmendel@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:10 AM
To: ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ve-dev] Create Visual Class Wizard

Lucinio is going to send some mach ups of the visuals for us to figure which one wins.  It is up to you/us to figure out the way contributions are made, and implementing the code.
At this time, since you do not have write permission, you will be working with Peter Walker to check your code into the VE repository.  

Dr. Gili Mendel
Software Development
RTP Raleigh, NC
(919)543 6408, tie: 441 6408

Phil Muldoon <pmuldoon@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/18/2004 10:54 AM

Please respond to

Re: [ve-dev] Create Visual Class Wizard

Thanks. A couple questions to kick things off.

Peter, is the m5codetemplate.xml current with the current coding style
that the Visual Editor group uses?

Gilli and Rich, In yesterday's talk, there was mention of certain UI
preferences made (ie not having multipage wizards)? Do you have a
current document of constraints? Or styles? Or would this be more the
domain of Lucinio?  As a matter of fact ...:

Do we have a web page up with people's roles in the group. I realize
that we all wear many hats, but a general outline would be good. In the
talk yesterday (which was very good) it was hard to keep up with names,
and the folks role in group.

Do we have a ve-dev-patch list where patches can be sent. (Typically for
smaller patches, minor fixes contributed from the community)

As the first non commiter, but contributor, it raises the question of
how I will make my code commitments. Though I realize that my work will
be in conjunction with Peter, what is the method we are going to use to
pass off contributions. I can use the diff/patch method which is common
in the Linux community. Are you comfortable with form of contribution?

Thanks for your time. I look forward continuing to work with you all.


Phil Muldoon

Dr Gili Mendel wrote:

> I have just noted in
> (Docs->SWT support plan->cont. ass. list)   that  Phil Muldoon from
> RedHad has taken the driver sit on getting the design/development for
> the generalized Create Visual class wizard.
> ... can't wait to see the final outcome of this effort.
> Gili
> ------------
> Dr. Gili Mendel
> Software Development
> RTP Raleigh, NC
> (919)543 6408, tie: 441 6408

ve-dev mailing list

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