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RE: [ve-dev] RE: Sweet BeanInfo for SWT

It's really the concept of PropertyDescriptors that matters.
It doesn't matter how the property is set under the covers; what's important is that from a user point of view is that it's something that appears in a property sheet.
By setting some other attributes in the PropertyDescriptor (or by having a custom property descriptor subclass), the style bit properties can be differentiated. Setting a property via a field or constructor is merely an implementation detail. It doesn't change the fact that the value being set is acting as a property of the component. The tool can take other cues from the PropertyDescriptor to tell it how to set the property value.
As for Introspector, that's just a tool to make the visual editor easier to use. You're free to use a custom introspector.
Bottom line: SWT components aren't proper JavaBeans, so there's no intent/guarantee that they really can be used as such anywhere. Any extensions done are only considered to work in a special GUI builder. If someone tries to use SWT components in a non-Sweet-compliant builder, they're SOL, just like if they tried using true JavaBeans in a builder that didn't support JavaBeans (not that one exists, but you get the idea)
I seriously doubt that Sun could change PropertyDescriptor enough to cause problems here. It can't change significantly due to all of the builder tools that rely on it. And even if it did, there would be a short point in time that users couldn't upgrade to the latest JDK while VE and other Sweet-compliant tools are updated.
I don't see what the problem is here...
-- Scott

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