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Re: [umlgen-dev] Install and use UML2C


Indeed, the UML2C/C2UML is not fully migrated from TopCased yet (thanks Fabien for theses precisions). Here is the link to the previous thread:


Le 22/07/2014 10:20, Fabien Toral a écrit :
HelIo Andrea,

I'm sorry, but for now, the UML2C part is not ready for use on newly created models. The code was cut down from Topcased, and for now the UML2C part could only generate code from existing models created with the Topcased UML Editors (not Papyrus) and previously processed with the UML2C/C2UML Topcased version.

I've to make some modifications on the code for UML2C to be usable with Papyrus models. The compatibility and the transition will not be maintained and only Papyrus models will be used in the future. For a quick technical explanation : UML2C/C2UML uses some annotations in the model, for code generation and reverse, that are not compatible between UML models created by Topcased UML Editors and UML models created by Papyrus.

Cedric has provided some information in its last mail about the work that needs to be done for the UML Generator projects and in particularly for the UML2C/C2UML part.

If this could be a solution, I would not advise you to play with Topcased and create your production UML model (using Topcased Editors, not Papyrus) to generate C with UML2C, because there is no plan deploy or test a tool to convert UML2C/C2UML Topcased annotations to Papyrus. It maybe impossible for you to switch to Papyrus after. But you could give a try to the Topcased version, on a test model, to see how things works with this plugin and if it fits your needs. Documentation could find here : Any return on experience on the usage of this plugin is appreciated.


Le 21/07/2014 12:54, andrea toscan a écrit :
Dear all,
I'm trying Eclipse Luna with Papyrus and Acceleo to model our Embedded System with UML. It should be very interesting to generate the C code (in the past we have used some commercial instruments) so UML2C sounds good for this purpose. The relative page (UML generators) hasn't got many information while I'm looking for a guide about hot to install and use it under "Luna".
Can you help me?

Thank you.


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