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Re: [ui-best-practices-working-group] Reminder: Conference Call (working sets)

By the way, speaking of the working sets. It would be interesting to hear others opinion about general approach to the working sets and their use.

When I've implemented task working sets for Mylyn we have discovered that there are number of things in the Platform, JDT and other components that are taking assumption that they are always working with the resource-based working sets (i.e. Team/CVS Synchronization view, Open Resource dialog, History view, etc), so when Mylyn's task working sets were added to the list of the workbench working sets those places got screwed quite badly. Note that this is actually not specific to Mylyn's task working sets and same issues can be reproduced when Debug's breakpoint working sets are used in workbench working sets.

Anyways, because we were close to Europa release, there was no chance Platform bugs would be fixed and Mik chose to replace purely task working sets with compound task+resource working sets. That resolved issues with Platform, but I think there are usability and general UI concerns about such compound working sets.

Personally I believe that tasks and resources are completely orthogonal and it should be possible to mix purely resource and purely task working sets (as well as People working sets, or any other XYZ working sets) in any combination as workbench working sets and Platform should be able to handle that and Eclipse UI guidelines should have a note to the working set implementors and users how to deal with such issues.

Note that there was an alternative approach to original Mylyn's issue. Since task working sets are only used by the Task List view, it is possible to use view-local task working sets, and not add them to the workbench working sets.


Mik Kersten wrote:
It would be great if one or more people from Platform UI could attend this
call, as some of the most interesting discussion items have to do with the
overlap between the Mylyn UI and the Platform UI (e.g. working set

I'll be referring to screenshots in the following articles:

I've also written out some questions for the discussion here:


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