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[tycho-user] Building Plugin with Eclipse Installation | Surefire dependency on p2 repo
  • From: Muhammad Umair Sair <umair_sair@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2020 18:22:48 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
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  • Thread-topic: Building Plugin with Eclipse Installation | Surefire dependency on p2 repo

Hello Folks,

I need some help with tycho. I have two questions.

  1. Generic Question: Is there a way to build a plugin without using repositories, instead use the locally available eclipse installation to resolve build time dependencies?

  2. ​​Surefire specific Question: The build system creates a product and lot of other p2 repositories that are not part of product. I am running tests using testRuntime=p2Installed and default work location. If I mention product p2-installable-unit as extra requirement in target-platform-configuration, it pulls all the plugins related to product in work location.

    I want to pull all the plugins from other p2 repositories (created during the same build or already existing) to work location, there are a lot ungrouped p2-installable-units and I don't want to mention everyone as extra requirement in target-platform-configuration.

    I tried using target platform and mentioned the repositories in it but surefire doesn't pull them in work. How can I pull all plugins from a p2 repository for running tests with surefire?

Umair Sair

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