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Re: [tycho-user] Unable to launch test runtime with tycho-surefire 2.1

These 127 seems that somewhere a -1 code is returned by the application so its not a kill or something (these are >=128 usually) so something simply prevents the application to run -> no output, no debugging

Maybe the test requests too much RAM, the JVM can't read the classes (too old java version?) or something like missing GTK libs or something.

Am 26.10.20 um 01:37 schrieb Nitin Dahyabhai:
I'd have to use the MAVEN_OPTS variable to try something like that, but as one would hope, the ports are firewalled off and prevent that. Besides, it's what's happening in the test application that's of more interest than the Maven process itself--/why/ is it returning an error code and not running the UI tests. There are no surefire-reports generated for that test bundle, so it's still a mystery to me.

On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 3:57 PM Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:mistria@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    If the application is starting, at this point what might be best is
    to enable debug to find out why and how it's interrupted.
    Try using the `-DdebugPort=8000` flag and then connect to your test
    from the IDE using a remote Java application launch config.

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