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[tycho-user] Building an RCP product against different Eclipse versions


this might not be exactly a tycho question, but since my main problem is related to knowing which platform tycho builds at a given time I'm hoping the bundled knowledge here can help me out.

I'm facing the challenge that I have to package our RCP product with two different versions of Eclipse - depending on the platform. In particular I want to bundle Eclipse 4.12 for macOS and against 4.7 for all other platforms.

My current solution is manual, one has to specify a profile name on the commandline for the macOS build. That profile sets up a different path for the 'eclipse-mirror' repository and then building our product happens with Eclipse 4.12 instead of 4.7. I'm then doing two builds of the product, once without profile specified and once with the macOS profile.

I'd prefer some 'automatic' way of doing this, but my maven/tycho/Eclipse foo is too weak to figure out a better idea how to do this. In particular since we also build the product locally sometimes and it's easy to forget about the separate profile.

I suppose one way would be for the profile to automatically activate when maven generates the product for macOS, but I wouldn't know what variable or so to check for this. Maybe I'm also overlooking other options that would achieve the same result?


PS: I'm aware both versions of Eclipse may be considered old, but for reasons beyond my control that's what I have to stick with for now.

Andreas Pakulat squish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
froglogic GmbH - Automated UI and Web Testing

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