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Re: [tycho-user] Unable to satisfy dependency from config.a.jre 9.0.0 to org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; a.jre 9.0.0.

Hi Ed, hi all,

FYI, I'm currently deep into Tycho, trying to make it work with modular JRE relying on toolchains more than on static list of packages (which is generally erroneous). Then I've also started repriorizing canonical artifacts in place of packed ones when using Java 14, and now, I'm basically getting rid of a lot of oddities and redundancy in EE resolution in the resolver and I'm removing reference to the JREAction that's mostly irrelevant nowadays with modular Java.
That's a lot of changes in areas that I think matter for your story. I hope the changes I'm making will clarify things and remove some faulty or suboptimal behaviors from Tycho.

If you're interested, you can follow:
* ...

We'll also send a note to this mailing-list when this series of major and risky (but profitable on longer term) changes are merged, to gather some feedback.


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