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Re: [tycho-user] "New generated files with Tycho 1.5.1."

Hi Lars,

the pomless-build previously required the presence of and used this as a pom-replacement.

the polyglot build extension uses the name of the replacement-pom and thus the name '' in previous versions.

The approach was a first-attempt to support pomless bundel/feature builds but has its limitations, especially if one wasn't to extend to other artifacts (products, targets, updatesites and so on).

Thats why the pomless-build module was (nearly) completely refactored in 1.5 to support advanced use-cases, separate concerns. Previously all work was done in two big classes and some parsing was done twice because of this and also some ambiguities could happen.

Now each artifact (bundle, feature, product,/updatesite, target) has its own handler and uses the real marker file (e.g. the MANIFEST.MF, feature.xml, .product/category.xml, ...) as a replacement pom, so you will see different files starting with .polyglot.* now, with two exceptions:

- polyglot requires replacement poms to be a regular (existing!) file, not a folder, thus .META-INF_MANIFEST.MF is generated and deleted after the build finishes, sadly if you kill the build via Eclipse these files are not cleaned up due to [1], I'm confident we can soon celebrate the 20th anniversary of that bug - polyglot currently ignores all alternative files ending with .xml, see [2] (most notable feature.xml and category.xml), so also here a temporary file is created, Mickael suggested to add the issue number to the file so it is clear for people to see why that was added

So from this exceptions, that are a result of limitations of the polyglot build extension and sadly the maintainers are not very eager to review/merge bug-fixes, you might see another new file tycho.pom, that is generated when you use the new automatic generation of module-aggregation files.

Hope this helps to clarify things a bit, If you are interested in the whole story/discussion you might want to check out the bug-reports and corresponding gerrit reviews for these features here [3] in the "Pomless Build" section.

Effectively we now have a real pomless toolset on our hands to build full PDE/Plugin artifact source with just one single pom.xml and in I'm currently investigating ways how we even can omit that when using structured builds.

best regards,


Am 04.11.19 um 21:07 schrieb Lars Vogel:
Hi Christoph,

Thanks for the answer.

It used to be only why these two new files?
I also see *.takari_issue_192 generated, for exaple

What are these?

Best regards, Lars

On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 6:30 PM Christoph Läubrich <laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Lars,

these are temporary files needed for the polyglot-maven plugin
tycho-pomless builds upon, after the test these are deleted.

Am 04.11.19 um 17:25 schrieb Lars Vogel:
using Tycho 1.5.1 I see newly generated files.


They are empty. Is it expected to see these files?

Best regards, Lars

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