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[tycho-user] Tycho UI tests failure with 4.4 platform

I'm not sure this is entirely related to Tycho, but:
I have a tests plugin that runs Workbench/UI tests. Everything was working when when I had the 4.3 version of the "Eclipse Plaftorm" feature in the build target platform, but when I changed/updated to version 4.4, the UI tests no longer work. I get this warning in the logs:

Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/renderer/requestEnablementUpdate].

A random commit found on a google search seems to indicate adding `org.eclipse.equinox.event` to the test plugin dependencies is a fix, and that seems to work, however, is that a correct solution? The Tycho doc only appears to mention adding `org.eclipse.equinox.ds` to the dependencies (

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