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[tycho-user] Searching for a Masterthesis in combination with Tycho

Hi all


my name is Felix Köhler, I'm from Germany and im going to do my Master Degree.

For my Master-Thesis I planned to do some stuff for building, especially

building eclipse.


At the moment I'm working in a company who's developing an eclipse application for

automation and security tasks. In my Bachelor-Thesis I changed the building process

from a single Ant build to a Maven build with Tycho in combination with

Continous Integration.

Since then I did a lot of stuff around this. Actually im improving the part about

building the targetsite (we need a offline version, because we've internet problems often).


And now im searching for a topic for my thesis.


Possibilities I thought about:


                1. Developing a simple Repository management for P2-Artifacts.

                               I tried a lot with Reporitymanagement-System like Nexus ...

                               But non of them can understand P2 out of the box and are easy to use.


                2. Developing a mechanism to improve the handling of pom.xml-Files in Tycho Builds

                               In the company where im working, we have a Build with over 100 bundles. And

                               our developers a tired of the extra handling of the pom.xml. For example

                               if they increase the version. They don't want to use the commandline.

                               So they have to hande two files (Manifest and pom.xml)

                               So at this point I planned a Maven-Plugin or Eclipse precompiler, where

                               you have one parten-pom (master-pom) and if necessary generate the simple

                               default pom.xml. If u need special things, u can generate the pom manualy.

                               .. There a lot of more feautes I'm thinking about.


But before I decide which one I'm gonna do, i want to know if they're really needed or

if there are other good solutions. Eventually you know an other Problem I can choose.


Both ideas are directly linked to Maven/Tycho thats the reason I chose this mailinglist.

I will be very thankful for some help.



Felix Köhler


Mit freundlichen Grüßen                           

Felix Köhler

Am Möllenberg 37
D-15713 Königs Wusterhausen OT Niederlehme

E-Mail:           koehler@xxxxxxxxx


Webseiten:   oder

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Königs Wusterhausen OT Niederlehme
Geschäftsführer:         Nils Burschik, Jan Burschik, Jens Krönert, Sven Lauritsen
Handelsregister:           Amtsgericht Cottbus HRB 9452 CB



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