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[tycho-user] run integration tests against multiple target platforms


I’m developing Eclipse plugins that are expected with work with a variety of Eclipse versions and a variety of versions of other plugins. Therefore I have several target platforms and my integration tests are expected to pass no matter which of my target platforms I use. 

I’d like to find a maven/tycho setup that 
- allows me to build and install all my plugins using a base-target-platform. I got this working without problems.
- allows me to run the JUnit tests from the already-installed bundles agains variety of other target platforms. This is what I need your advice for.

I’d like to use only one specific target platform for compilation (I called it the base-target-platform above). All other target platforms should be used for tests execution only. This way I’m hoping to detect API incompatibilities on binary level and avoid unnecessary compilation times.

I managed to use maven profiles to make target platforms interchangeable, but I’m unsatisfied with it because
- it doesn’t allow me to have separate platforms for test-compilation and test-execution
- it doesn’t allow me to test against all target platforms during a single execution of the build.

So… can Tycho find and run JUnit tests from an already-installed bundle?


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