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[tycho-user] version of ‘eclipse.exe’ and ‘eclipsec.exe’



We’re migrating from a PDE-based product build to a Maven/Tycho-based product build.

Some steps require the creation of an Eclipse, enriched with 3rd Party features and in-house created features:

-          We provide the product developers with a preconfigured Eclipse SDK, including often used tools

-          Finally we materialize the product update-site into an installable product


In both cases, the final result is defined in a ‘.product’ file and architecture specific modifications to the ‘eclipse.ini’ file are done with a ‘p2.inf’ file.

Because of the development/QA train, we need to base our product on Eclipse 4.3.1 (for now).


The resulting materialized Eclipse closely resembles the Eclipse SDK that is downloaded from:

This makes me think that we’re on the right track.


However, I see two differences:

-          The ‘eclipse.exe’ and ‘eclipsec.exe’ appear to be the same as the ones from Eclipse 4.3.0 instead of Eclipse 4.3.1.

-          The materialized Eclipse uses on EMF features of version ‘2.9.2.v20131212-0545’, while Eclipse SDK download uses EMF features of version ‘2.9.1.v20130827-0309’


Can someone explain these differences?

Are they worth worrying about, or are they harmless?


I have attached a stripped-down version of a Maven/Tycho build that shows the problem.

Running ‘mvn clean verify’ on the top-level ‘pom.xml’ produces a Windows 32-bit and 64-bit Eclipse 4.3.1, as described above.


Marcel Romijn
Software Engineer
Rocket Software
Korte Parallelweg 1 • 3311 JN Dordrecht • Netherlands
Tel: +31 78 6322800 • Fax: +31 78 6138134
Email: mromijn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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