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Re: [tycho-user] Tycho out-of-the-box support for Java 8

On 03/24/2014 10:53 AM, spp Schöppl Fabian wrote:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-plugin:0.20.0:compile (default-compile) on project MyBundle: Fatal error compiling: target level should be comprised in between '1.1' an
d '1.7' (or '5', '5.0', ..., '7' or '7.0') or cldc1.1: 1.8 -> [Help 1]

This is known and described in . However, this bug was for another part, so a new one should be opened.

Also, if I change the execution environment to 1.7 (both in the MANIFEST and the pom file) it cannot compile Java 8 features like lambdas.
That sounds like a good behaviour ;)

Do you know which version of tycho is going to support the Java 8 features out-of-the-box (not using BETA_JAVA8 plugins anymore) and when this version is going online?
I guess 0.21.0 could be a valid candidate. According to you should open a bug to request usage of newer compiler in Tycho so it would work out-of-the-box.

To workaround the problems shown above, I've also been trying to use the maven configuration suggested in this post I am afraid that I cannot find the latest BETA_JAVA8 dependencies of org.eclipse.tycho:org.eclipse.jdt.core and org.eclipes.tycho:org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt. Could someone tell me where I can get those dependencies?
When it comes to getting an Eclipse installation that includes support for Java 8, you should have a look at to find out which jars to get and how to retrieve them. Latest I-Build of Platform ( ) should include Java8-friendly bundles by default. In case of question, it's better to ask this on the jdt-dev mailing-list.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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