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Re: [tycho-user] Project generated from tycho-eclipse-plugin-archetype is missing JUnit

Tycho projects do not use dependency information from pom.xml (at least
not directly). Instead, dependencies are derived from OSGi/Eclipse
project metadata, things like OSGi bundle manifest and Eclipse
feature.xml. Inside Eclipse workspace Tycho projects dependency
resolution is managed by PDE (not m2e) and dependencies are additionally
constraint by PDE workspace target platform.


On 11/10/2013, 14:09, Steinar Bang wrote:
However, what I'm still curious about, is whether the .project and
.classpath files contain information that isn't in the pom.xml?
Ie. what is the underlying reason that the test project can't find

And why do the tycho projects behave differently to regular m2e projects
with respect to dependencies? (ie. no "Maven Dependencies" section with
path into the local maven repo (or actually: the m2e cache, which seems
to occupy a different subdirectory under ~/.m2))

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