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Re: [tycho-user] Tycho and OBR (OSGi bundle repository)

On 05/20/2013 12:46 PM, Florian Pirchner wrote:
is there an intention to also provide a packaging type "OBR" (OSGi bundle repository) in addition to "Eclipse-Repository"?
I could see, that some projects like aries and felix using it for provisioning. So it would be very helpful to generate P2-Repos and OBR by tycho.

This is a recurring topic that seems to interest several people, but nothing seems to have happened so far. Here is a related bug report .
Please note that rather than the R5/EBR support in Tycho, it would make sense to provide this support in Target-platform in general, so it should be supported in PDE as well to provide a complete experience with R5/EBR.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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