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[tycho-user] Handling non-osgi jar files

I'm in the process of tycho-ifying an eclipse plugin project. It has 3rd party non osgi jar files residing in lib directories in of subprojects, and included in the classpath. Maven/Tycho is able to build this, and the jar files get included in the built plugins, just as a pde build would.

But: in a proper mavenised and tycho-ified project one would not have these local lib directories. Instead, the jar files and their versions would be specified in pom files, and plucked from a maven repo when building. Similarly, one would like such jar files from maven repo made available in the eclipse plugin project.

So what is the state-of-the-art when it comes to building plugins that include non-osgi jars? I googled this, and found
but that was almost 3 years ago, hopefully the situation has improved.

PS In some lucky cases one can find bundle-ified versions at Maven central, but unfortunately not all.

Thanks in advance,

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