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Re: [tycho-user] How to run an external plugin with surefire

If you use a shared local Maven repository between A and B,C then there should be no problem if A install artifacts.
But it is a bad practice to share local Maven repository between jobs, what I suggest is to deploy to Nexus and use the Nexus P2 Plugin that will build a P2 repository from a Maven repository and refer this P2 repo in B and C
Personally,  I would merge A,B and C in a single Jenkins job as a build published with not tests is also a bad practive


On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Hugo Marchadour <hugo.marchadour@xxxxxxx> wrote:

I build a repository with some eclipse plugins (plugin.a) and eclipse test plugins (tests.junit and tests.swtbot).

For several reasons, I need to separate my work like that on Jenkins:
* Job repository build (A)
** build plugin.a
** build tests.junit
** build tests.swtbot

* Job junit tests exec (B)
** exec tests.junit

* Job swtbot tests exec (C)
** exec tests.swtbot

Well, I need to reuse my repository A on B and C.
For now, I've not found a process to avoid rebuilding my test plugin before the test execution.
It's not really a good thing, because I can have a revision gap between A and B.

Any idea of how to launch my tests.junit and tests.swtbot with the A artifacts?


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