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[tycho-user] Build a product from features


I'm trying to build a product out of three features where two of them resulted from different reactor builds. The setup is the following:

Project A
- plugin A.1
- plugin A.2
- feature A consisting of the plugins A.1 and A.2

Project B
- plugin B.1
- plugin B.2
- feature B consisting of the plugins B.1 and B.2

Project C
- plugin C.1
- plugin C.2
- feature C consisting of the plugins C.1 and C.2
- product consisting of the features A, B and C.

If I'm building A, B and C locally everything works fine. But if I deploy the artifact to our internal Nexus repository and another developer tries to build only C the build fails because of unsatisfied dependencies to the features A and B. If I am defining feature C to contain all Plugins (A.1, A.2, B.1, B.2, C.1 and C.2) and modify project C's POM such that pom-dependencies to the A and B plugins are added and Tycho "considers" pom-dependencies, it works.
But that is not the desired configuration. Are there other ways to deal with not locally available features that are not in a P2 Repository but only in a "central" Maven repository?


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