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[tycho-user] How to run tests on existing built plug-ins?

I am new to Eclipse/Tycho. I want know, how can I run my tests on already built RCP application?
My directory structure is as below
I have a parent POM having two separet profiles to package RCP app and run the tests
<id>default</id> <-- activated by default>
I build my RCP as follows
> mvn -Dmake.destination=/path/to/target package
Which build my app perfectly fine under /path/to/target
Now I want to run my test over already build product i.e. under /path/to/target. How should I achieve this
If I run
> mvn -Dmake.destination=/path/to/target test -Pmytest
It says me nothing to compile and not tests to run
If I run
> mvn -Dmake.destination=/path/to/target install -Pmytest
It gives error that bundle not found. Because it expect the required plugin under my local repository.
If I run
> mvn -Dmake.destination=/path/to/target install
> mvn -Dmake.destination=/path/to/target install -Pmytest
Then it run the tests perfectly fine because the find the required plugins under local repository and run the test from there. But I don't want my test running from local repository because there may be a chance of my local repo can contain some old plugins and I won't be testing correct code. I want to run them on already built plugins under /path/to/target
Is it possible to do that? Or what would be possible solutions?
Thanks, God bless all,

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