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[tycho-user] tycho-custom-bundle-plugin extra

I just pushed something called tycho-custom-bundle-plugin to
tycho-extras. Here is the (slightly edited) commit comment

The basic idea is to be able to build OSGi bundles with contents defined
entirely by pom.xml configuration. Such custom bundles are fully
integrated with Tycho, can be included in features, used as dependencies
of other bundles and so on.

custom-bundle mojo is only concerned with packaging of bundle jars, it
assumes that content of the jar is available as part of project source
tree or was generated by previous mojo executions.

Like regular package-bundle mojo, custom-bundle will expand bundle
version qualifier. One caveat: to make expanded version visible to
downstream consumers of the custom bundle, tycho-p2-plugin:p2-metadata
must be explicitly bound to project build lifecycle.

One example of custom-bundle mojo usage is packaging of JDT batch
compiler, which contains a subset of org.eclipse.jdt.core classes needed
to run JDT compiler on command line without the rest of Eclipse. Another
similar usage is generation of separate client-model bundle, which only
includes classes needed to communicate with the "main" bundle from a
remote process.

The plugin is available from the same snapshot repo as tycho
0.14.0-SNAPSHOT (pluginRepositories snippet below), so you can try it
out already. If you find it useful, I am interested to know what you
build with it ;-)




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