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[tycho-user] Cross-Platform Building with Tycho

Hello everybody,

interestingly, I could not find a solution to the following problem even though I was searching the web for quite a while.

I try to build my own Eclipse P2 repository mirroring a subset of the plugins of the "Eclipse Platform SDK" feature from the official Eclipse Indigo download source. The result is meant to be used as a stable target platform for my organization's own development process.

To achieve this, I created a new feature project listing the desired Eclipse plugins (e.g. org.eclipse.core.runtime) in its feature.xml. For the Maven Tycho configuration, I used the attached pom.xml file.

Now, Tycho fails to resolve platform-specific plugins, such as "org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86" since my operating system on which Tycho runs is a Win64 platform.

Unfortunately, I cannot include the Eclipse Delta Pack since Tycho seems to be unable to resolve from local directories. And anyways, I don't want to manually deploy the delta pack on the server system running Maven in a Jenkins environment.

Is there a way to tell Tycho to include all environment versions of plugins when resolving from the p2 repository configured above as Eclipse can be told with the "Include all environment" switch?

Do you have any ideas how to solve that issue in an elegant way...

Thanks for any hints.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation=";"; xmlns=";"; xmlns:xsi=";";>


  <!-- this is the parent POM from which all modules inherit common settings -->
    <!-- configure p2 repository to resolve against -->

        <!-- enable tycho build extension -->

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