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[tycho-user] Adding symbolic links in eclipse product's root folder

Hi all,

I'm having some trouble with adding symbolic links to an eclipse product using' root property. What I'm trying to do is add a folder to the root of an eclipse product that contains a number of files and symbolic links that point to some of these files. Turns out that in some cases just the link (or just the target file) is added to the build. I'm not sure if it's possible to nail down which one (file or link) will be included, but it's consistent at least (the same one is included in different builds).

Attached is a small project that demonstrates the problem. You can see that some files were not added to the root by extracting the .zip file produced in the example-feature's target folder.

Is this behaviour expected? Am I doing something wrong? I'm using version 0.13.0-SNAPSHOT. The problem does not occur in 0.12.0

Rafael M. Teixeira

Attachment: symlink-demo.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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