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[tycho-dev] migrating from Tycho 1.7 to 2.3


we migrating all our codebase to java 11 but it takes time.
We want to anticipate and use the last tycho on our old java 8 code base.
I try to use toolchain, i only declare java 8 inside it. and i add " --global-toolchains ${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}" option to all my mvn build.
But it still fail on import which is present in Java 8 but not in java 11.
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;

Is there any example of opensource project which use tycho which run on java 11 but compile a java 8?

Is there a tutorial or article on it ?
Or you advice me to wait end of java 11 code base migration?

Sorry my product is a commercial tool, so i cannot provide the source.

Guillaume Dufour

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