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Re: [tycho-dev] Reproducible version qualifier without Git-based timestamp

I'm looking at the code right now, and I'm making some refactorings to use components as BaselineValidators and let user choose the component he wants (similar to BuildTimestampProviders).

I have a question on this topic: Is it safe that having BaselineMode.disable <=> BaselineReplace.none <=> No Baseline validator?

I've thought of the following related refactorings:

Iteration #1, no change for users:
* Make BaselineValidator an interface, rename current BaselineValidator to "BaselineVersionValidator"
* Use components with Role BaselineValidator. Current implementation would have a hint such as "exact-version".
* Introduce a "baselineStrategy" property to select the component to use for baseline. Default value would be "exact-version" to not change current behavior.
* Implement a NoBaselineValidator which does nothing (baselineStrategy="none"), independently of baselineMode and baselineReplace.

Iteration #2: Make it useful without breaking anything
* Implement a compatible-version-with-same-content strategy, comparing content of bundles with same x.y.z (ignoring qualifier) and replace by baseline when there is no change worth producing a new bundle.
At the end of this iteration, we should be able to consume "compatible" bundles from baseline just by setting baselineStrategy="compatible-version-with-same-content"

Iteration #3: Make it shine, but this would contain breaking change:
* Move the support of the BaselineMode and BaselineReplace to an abstract class, since it seems like they'll be handled the same way by various BaselineValidator. It appears that this abstract class would probably consume some "deltas" provided by implementations.
* Make default behavior being using baselineStrategy="none" (would force current users to set baselineStrategy="exact-version")
* Remove BaselineMode.disable and BaselineReplace.none in favor of using no baseline (baselineStrategy=none will select a baseline validator that does nothing).

Does it make sense? Does this looks like a valid path?

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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